Wednesday 24 December 2008


  Hello dear Facebook friend! :)

  I apologise for the oddity of the way I posted this message but my creativity couldn't take me any further. I know Facebook s against spam.. but it's hard to send a group message, you know? :P

  If you are reading this message, then, we most probably shared some cool experiences together at sessions of EYP, where we had quite the portion of laughs, sleeplesness and compromising moments, or you might be someone whom I've kennengelernt in wonderful Austria where the elegance of everything around is reflected in the kindness of all the people who inhabit the place, or you might be someone from back home, someone who's known me for a long time :)

  Whatever the case, I would like to wish you a Very Merry Christmas, a joyful Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, a cool Muslim New Year, a fantastic New Year and, last but not least, a Merry Russian/Serbian Orthodox Christmas :)
